12 traits of Webspam in the Google Penguin algorithm

Google Penguin Algorithm

As my friend know that the search engine Google has updated its search algorithm that Google Penguin is one of the special algorithm to penalize sites - sites that are considered spam activities (webspam). So what is the impact if your blog is cleared by the algorithm? according to my knowledge I have gained during the adventure virtual world, blogs are affected by the algorithm will decrease traffic significantly. So if your blog suddenly the traffic suddenly drop dramatically if it means you've been affected by these algorithms? I think it too soon to draw a conclusion like that, it is because the affected blogs Google this penguin does not have at least one or more of the characteristics of such webspam review below.

1) Hidden Text: Text which deliberately hidden by giving the same color with the background color of the blog template that is used can be categorized as one of blackhat SEO especially when text we paste in the form of the keyword blog, Google will treat this as one way of spamming techniques in SEO.

2) Hidden Links: The same is the case with the number one above, create links that deliberately concealed by giving the background color of the blog template that is used can also be categorized as one act of spamming because for some people this kind of links can be used to get an terduka visit and it could be for the site – their affiliate sites. In other words how to hide the link of the same color with the background blog template can be used to trap a couple of blog visitors to visit a site that is not expected because that's what the Google algorithm Penguins make it as one of webspam.

3) Keyword Stuffing: In creating content that is SEO friendly we normally will repeat some of the specific words we use target keywords, the purpose is to make the percentage of keyword density to be increased, which in turn search engine Google will treat all our content is very relevant for shown since the number of keywords that we put in it. We notice that the Google search engine algorithm gives special restrictions when efforts optimization through the spread of keyword we run too high, Google will consider it as spam.

4) Irrelevant Keywords: Create a keyword that is not relevant to the content of the content can be said to be one of the attempts to manipulate the viewer and spider bots. That blog is not considered as Google webspam Penguin, we also pernatikan the selection of keywords for each of our blog content.

5) Cloaking atau Sneaky Redirect: For a site that is applying the practice of sneaky redirect and actual costing cloacking visitors of our blog, basically a visitor wants to come in and read our blog page but on the other hand when they go to the site it turns out they redirected to a different page. Neither man nor spider bot very hate this kind of site because that's what the Google algorithm Penguin will give vigorous penalties for sites to implement this technique.

6) Doorway Page: Doorway Page is search engine mengkelabuhi business by presenting a lot of keyword with a particular script (visitors can not see the keyword, only the spider bots). Most pages with this technique only serves content that charge minimal and less qualified so that makes this technique as one of Blackhat SEO techniques that violate Google's rules. At the moment, the site with the application of Doorway Page became one of the region a penalty from Google Penguin.

7) Duplicate Content: Duplicate content is not a secret that this technique will be one of the techniques that are categorized into Google webspam feature penguins. As much as possible to avoid this.

8) Link Spam: In strengthening the internal link building, every content will definitely give a link out to the content we are more. Outbound links that are not relevant to the content of our blog links can be interpreted as a bad link. More it gets worse the Google algorithm Penguin makes the content of blogs that contain links that are not relevant to link discharge as webspam. No links except from porn sites and sites with malware (viruses).

9) Automated queries to Google: For blogs that run the script automatically bring up a content search results primarily from the search engine Google, can be interpreted as detrimental to your blog visitors and of course google violated copyright themselves. For example the blog-the blog AGC and Auto Content.

10) Affiliate Programs: Mid-December of 2011, there is a new update on the Google TOS and one of them is the presence of a signal on the sites that follow affiliate program to present content that is more informative and relevant to visitors to avoid Google penalty. For the time being is also still so, when our affiliate sites less so giving value to our visitors, it could be Google penguin will assume the site we created just to make money regardless of the quality of our site.

11) Contain viruses and the like: One of the characteristics according to Google webspam Penguin is the site that contain viruses, malware, Trojans and the like. A site like this is very detrimental to the visitors because that's when our blog is alleged to contain the virus or whether it be intentional or accidental, can give Google the punishment directly on our blog if not immediately addressed.

12) Paid Link: The last feature of webspam in the Google algorithm penguins are paid links, Google knows when we are selling and buying links through new algorithms, Google will give you a gift penalty in the form of Google Penguin.

Well, the first posting about 12 traits of Webspam in the Google algorithm this Penguin. May be useful for all of us.


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